Saturday, 16 November 2013

Bharath ratna For SACHIN

Most my friends know about cricket and they play it they know players of other teams all I know abt cricket is SACHIN.Evry one compares him with greatplayers i evn proply donot thir names evrythng i know abt crckt is SACHIN..............i'VE NO WORDS TO SAY HOWhappy i'm that he is crowned with nation's top award BHARATHARATNA.

Indian National Congress won't do any thing without a benefit for it....!A demand from nearly 2-3 years for Bharath ratna to Sachin Tendulkar but it had not considered it.A year and half before 2014 elections Congress offred him Rajyasabha MP and now 6 months to election 2014 Bharathratna to Sachin Tendulkar Does Indian National Congress Have any wicked idea of Asking Sachin - The God of cricket to support and Campaign for them in present 5 states elections and 2014